2024-25 Erma Nash Elementary Back to School Information

Back to school information for Erma Nash Elementary has been finalized for the upcoming school term. Please refer to the sections below for the latest details. Questions can be directed to the front office by calling 817-299-6900. 

2024-25 Registration Information (including POR)

For those families that are returning to Nash for the 24-25 school year, remember that you will need to submit an updated Proof of Residence. You may bring your proof of residence to the Nash office; or you may email your proof of residence with your student’s first & last name and student ID number to us at: Nash_POR@misdmail.org.

  • A satisfactory proof of residence includes- Electric, Gas, or Water Bills– with May service dates or later. Disconnection notices are not allowed.
  • If you have newly established residency in the last 30 days includes: Lease Agreement. The lease agreement may be acceptable if it is new (30 days or less). This is used when you do not have a utility bill and the lease states bills are paid by lessor. Other documentation may be requested when a utility bill is not available. The lease agreement must list the student occupants. Any of the above forms of proof of residency utilized by MISD residents must show a service address. Lease agreements must show a beginning and ending date and the address of the property with signatures from both the lessor and lessee. Families who have a contract on a home that will close within 45 days of the beginning of school, will need to confer with Student Services on applicable Board Policies and guidelines for enrollment.
  • New and returning student registration must be completed online. If assistance is needed, our staff will be available on the dates and times listed in New Student Registration/Tiger Camp(español)  

2024-25 Schedule Pickup/Class Lists

Class assignments will be shared on Monday, August 12, 2024 at Meet the Teacher from 5:30-7:00 PM

2024-25 Orientations/Camps

Tiger Camp, Thursday, August 1 from 5:00 - 6:30 PM. This is for all new students (includes students entering PK & K). Please see New Student Registration/Tiger Camp, (español) for further details.    

2024-25 Meet the Teacher Night

Students and parents will have an opportunity to meet their teachers on Monday, August 12th from 5:30-7:00 PM

2024-25 School Supply List

  1. Go to www.EducationalProducts.com/ShopPacks
  2. Enter Your School ID: NAS015
  3. Select the pack your child will be entering next school year
  4. Packs delivered before the first day of school

School Supplies Flyer, (español)